March 7th, 2020 7:00pm, Hudson Portuguese Club
Join the fun ADULT night out at the Hudson Portuguese Club, while supporting the Hudson High School Athletic Boosters! This is an 21 and over event, with Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawing, Live DJ and Cash Bar!
There are two ways you can join the fun!!
$10.00 Donation Includes One (1) Event Admission
$100.00 Donation Includes One (1) Raffle Ticket and One (1) Event Admission
What is a “Reverse Raffle”? It’s similar to a traditional raffle, but in reverse! 0ne hundred (100) $100 tickets will be sold. Through the night, numbers will be called. If your number is called, you’re eliminated. The last ticket to be called wins $2,500. Raffle tickets may be bought and shared by a group of people, but one person from the group must be present to win.
For raffle and event tickets, contact Shelly Francolini at or Liz Jackson at
You can purchase tickets via Venmo @hudsonboosters
*Venmo is safe and and an easy way to pay online. If you have not already created an account, it is fast, simple and easy to use. Please go to